diggdot.us favorites

Hand picked articles from the best tech sites

Monday, October 09, 2006


I have abandoned diggdot.us for technews.ws

It is so much nicer with customizable features.

Also, this blog is a dumb idea, so I am going to stop it now!

Just check out technews.ws, lots of stuff on gadgets, new tech, and just awesome stuff from slashdot, digg, cnet and more.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ten Things You Can Do Today to Stop The Spread of DRM

The key to defeating DRM is raising awareness among the general public of its dangers, media executives realize this, and so does DefectiveByDesign.org. October 3: The Day Against DRM is all about raising awareness. Check out the 10 easy things you can do today, and do them!

Common myths about OSX.

I see a lot of people baselessly denigrating Macs as a whole, specifically OSX. They say things like "the shortcuts are obscure and difficult to find" or "there isn't a wealth of software available like there is for Windows". Since these are pretty baseless assertions what else is there to do but revel in proving them wrong?